Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DIY Chore Charts Part 1

Hello everyone! How is your summer?

Today I will be showing you, how to make DIY chore charts! These charts are not mine, I found them at other blogs. I critiqued them, put them in page protectors and tadahhh! You have your very own charts for your kids. (And you wont have to clean anything except your own your room anymore!)

The reason I put part two is, because these chores range from about ages 8+, so I will be making one that have chores appropriate for your younger kiddies!

Now, for the chore charts!

 This is the daily chore list. It has the chores for the morning, and night. It also has a chore of the day! I assigned different people to different chore of the day. (ex. One person does Monday's chore, one person does Tuesday's and so on...) It is very useful!

I got this from 'bird meets bear' she said she got it from another blog, but when i went to that blog there was no posts! I just decided to give 'bird meets bear'.
 This Chore list is for the bedroom! The reason why I put Wednesday on the top, is that everyone will do the check-list on Wednesday. (Don't worry, we still will keep our rooms clean on a daily basis! hehehehe) At the bottom there is a thing that says points earned. Your kid can earn up to 5 points, based on how good of a job they did. Also you sign at the bottom and at the end of the day you can check all the check-lists!

Here is the link to the Bedroom check-list: http://madsmemories.blogspot.com/2011/07/updated-detailed-chore-cards.html
 This is the chore-list for the bathroom. Make sure when your print this out you print one out for the downstairs bathroom(s)! At the bottom there is a thing that says points earned. Your kid can earn up to 5 points, based on how good of a job they did. Also you sign at the bottom and at the end of the day you can check all the check-lists!

Here is the link to the Bathroom Check-list!: http://madsmemories.blogspot.com/2011/07/updated-detailed-chore-cards.html

 This is an AMAZING idea! If your kid leaves something out anywhere besides their room, you take it and put it in your closet, and they have to earn it back, by doing a chore! Even as a kid/teenager I love it!

Just Another Day in Paradise, a.k.a Larissa created this, her blog is amazing!
Here is the link to the sign!: http://zitzmanfam.blogspot.com/2012/05/chores-pinteresting-wednesday.html
Here is the link to the list of chores!: http://zitzmanfam.blogspot.com/2012/07/uh-oh-box-chore-list.html

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed my first post(: If you would like to see more, follow my blog! (wait... is it follow or subscribe, or...?) Also you could spread the news about my blog, I would love you forever!
